
previous crop Learn more about previous crop

  • Crop stubble rotation sequence

    Crop stubble rotation sequence

    Crop stubble rotation sequence

  • Reasonable rotation of different vegetables has high efficiency! Rotation of 16 kinds of vegetables

    Reasonable rotation of different vegetables has high efficiency! Rotation of 16 kinds of vegetables

    Reasonable rotation of different vegetables can make pathogens lose parasitism or change their living environment, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing or eliminating diseases and insect pests. Such as spring onions and garlic.

  • Vegetable planting knowledge: vegetable rotation

    Vegetable planting knowledge: vegetable rotation

    Reasonable rotation of different vegetables can make pathogens lose parasitism or change their living environment, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing or eliminating diseases and insect pests. Such as spring onions and garlic.

  • This rotation of vegetables leads to a bowl full of melons and fruits.

    This rotation of vegetables leads to a bowl full of melons and fruits.

    Reasonable rotation of different vegetables can make pathogens lose parasitism or change their living environment, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing or eliminating diseases and insect pests. Such as spring onions and garlic.

  • The selection of Codonopsis pilosula

    The selection of Codonopsis pilosula

    Codonopsis pilosula is a deep root plant, and adult plants like light, so it is appropriate to choose sunny sandy loam with deep and fertile soil layer. The sticky weight of low-lying waterlogged soil is not suitable for cultivation, water accumulation in the soil is prone to rotten roots, poor growth of aboveground plants, low yield and poor quality. It is suitable for slightly acidic to neutral soil with a pH value of 6.5-7. Legumes and Gramineae are the best crops in the previous crop, and the previous crops are prone to diseases in vegetable stubble, so it is not suitable to choose. Avoid continuous cropping, generally should be replanted every 3-4 years.

  • National Bureau of Statistics: grain production increased by 0.9% in 2014 compared with the same period last year

    National Bureau of Statistics: grain production increased by 0.9% in 2014 compared with the same period last year

    The grain acreage for the whole year was 112.74 million hectares, an increase of 780000 hectares over the previous year. The planting area of cotton was 4.22 million hectares, a decrease of 130000 hectares. The planting area of oil crops is 14.08 million hectares, an increase of 60, 000 hectares. The planting area of sugar crops was 1.91 million hectares, a decrease of 90, 000 hectares. Grain harvested again.

    2016-03-20 State Bureau of Statistics 2014 grain production year-on-year increase 0.9%
  • Basic growth status of Maize crops in Northeast China

    Basic growth status of Maize crops in Northeast China

    This year, the weather in Northeast China has been more in line with the growth of crops, and now it has basically completed its sizing and entered the mature period. The recent dry weather, suitable temperature, curing, wax maturity is better, if the weather continues to cooperate, another 10 days or so, is a good time for harvest. Just

    2016-01-10 Northeast China recent corn crops growth basic status
  • Continuous cropping techniques of watermelon

    Continuous cropping techniques of watermelon

    First, select less diseased land, and deep freezing before winter, apply base fertilizer after the beginning of spring, backfill melon ditch; second, the combination of garden cleaning and wrong sowing, and the use of chemical prevention, mainly root irrigation, combined with foliar spraying. Third, do not use the method of secretly pressing the vine.

    2020-11-09 Watermelon continuous cropping planting technology first selection less disease plot
  • Why the grain output increased by 2.4% over the previous year?

    Why the grain output increased by 2.4% over the previous year?

    Bread is the staff of life. Without stable food production capacity, there can be no real food security. According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, China's grain output has enjoyed "12 consecutive increases". In 2015, the country's total grain output reached 1.24287 trillion jin, higher than that of the previous year.

    2015-12-26 Grain output why "Twelve consecutive increases " compared with the previous year growth
  • Do 2017 kinds of soybeans make money? forecast of soybean price trend

    Do 2017 kinds of soybeans make money? forecast of soybean price trend

    Do 2017 kinds of soybeans make money? forecast of soybean price trend

  • Planting techniques of vegetables in open field

    Planting techniques of vegetables in open field

    Prepare the soil before sowing, destroy the dead branches and rotten leaves of the previous crops and bury them deeply. Select vegetable varieties with disease and insect resistance, high quality and high yield, strong stress resistance and good commercial performance. In open field cultivation, plastic film mulching, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation can be used to reduce chemical fertilizer as much as possible.

    2020-11-09 Open field vegetable planting technology sowing front soil preparation will previous crop
  • Matters needing attention in growing Tomato in Winter

    Matters needing attention in growing Tomato in Winter

    The first thing to pay attention to when growing tomatoes in winter is to pay attention to the time of interplanting and not to be premature. The author saw in some greenhouse vegetable planting villages in Yuncheng that they had interplanted high and low stubble tomatoes in the shed.

  • Pond culture technology of double-crop shrimp, cultivation of Macrobrachium rosenbergii and freshwater shrimp in different crops

    Pond culture technology of double-crop shrimp, cultivation of Macrobrachium rosenbergii and freshwater shrimp in different crops

    Using plastic greenhouse to cultivate early propagation shrimp seedlings, cultivating Macrobrachium rosenbergii from May to mid-August, and cultivating Macrobrachium rosenbergii from mid-August to October; or cultivating Macrobrachium rosenbergii from June to September.

  • How to do drug damage when planting potatoes?

    How to do drug damage when planting potatoes?

    The planting area of potatoes is increasing year by year. If the selection of rotation plots is unreasonable, the drug residues of previous crops will cause drug damage to potatoes. So, what about the drug damage to potatoes? First, how to do the drug damage to potatoes? 1. Wash it with clean water or weak alkaline water.

    2020-11-08 Planting potatoes occurrence drug damage what to do planting area
  • Corn planting technology

    Corn planting technology

    Corn planting technology

  • Garlic high yield is exquisite

    Garlic high yield is exquisite

    I. Pay attention to sowing time and sowing quantity. The best sowing time is about 3 days after white dew and 5 days before autumn equinox. Garlic seeds are sown at three levels: large, medium and small, with 40,000 plants per mu, row spacing of 20 cm and plant spacing of 8 cm. 2. Pay attention to crop arrangement. It is advisable to plant in mud fields, garlic should not be continuous cropping, otherwise diseases and insect pests will increase. Sesame and soybean are suitable for the previous crop, and garlic is not suitable for the previous crop peanut or hemp field. Third, pay attention to scientific use of fertilizer. First, apply enough farm manure, and then apply appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer. Good soil quality farmland chemical fertilizer can be used less, but phosphorus and potassium fertilizer

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Potato delayed in Autumn

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Potato delayed in Autumn

    The delayed cultivation of potato in autumn is that the potato planted in the open field is covered with plastic film before the advent of early frost to protect it from the harm of early frost, make full use of the light conditions in late autumn, prolong the growth period of potato, increase yield, improve commodity quality, and obtain high yield and high efficiency. First, select the land with loose and slightly acidic soil, rich in organic matter, deep plough layer and easy drainage and irrigation. Millet, wheat and corn are the best crops in the previous crop, and onions, garlic, celery and carrots are the best crops in the previous crop.

  • How can peanuts be fertilized with high yield? When is the best time to give? What kind of fertilizer should I apply? How much fertilizer does one mu of land use?

    How can peanuts be fertilized with high yield? When is the best time to give? What kind of fertilizer should I apply? How much fertilizer does one mu of land use?

    Peanut is a common crop in rural areas, although it is very common, it is rich in nutritional value. Today, I will tell you how to fertilize peanuts to achieve high yield. When is the best time to give? What kind of fertilizer should I apply? How much fertilizer does one mu of land use? What do you use to grow peanuts?

    2020-11-09 Peanut how fertilize can high yield when apply best apply
  • Planting techniques of green vegetables

    Planting techniques of green vegetables

    Prepare the soil before sowing, destroy the dead branches and rotten leaves of the previous crops and bury them deeply. Select vegetable varieties with disease and insect resistance, high quality and high yield, strong stress resistance and good commercial performance. In open field cultivation, plastic film mulching, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation can be used to reduce chemical fertilizer as much as possible.

    2020-11-09 Green vegetables planting technology sowing front soil preparation will previous stubble
  • How to grow Cotton this year: a Survey of Cotton planting in various Cotton producing areas

    How to grow Cotton this year: a Survey of Cotton planting in various Cotton producing areas

    Anhui-Restoration growth of Cotton acreage in order to understand the crop planting structure of farmers in Anhui Province this year, the Anhui investigation team of the National Bureau of Statistics recently selected 3220 farmers from 31 counties (districts) in the province to carry out a survey of farmers' crop intention. The results show that this year, the total sown area of crops in Anhui Province is basically stable, the area of grain crops continues to increase, the area of cash crops such as rape and medicinal materials decreases greatly, and the area of other crops is basically the same. In 2006, 3220 farmers owned 21257 mu of arable land.
